Full Access Visual eBook


Margot Ridler’s unBook contains visual aids that are unprecedented, which will help you in grasping the otherwise very difficult to understand subject matter of spiritual enlightenment.



This Introductory Visual eBook has been a labor of love. It took six years to bring to fruition. It contains visual aids that are one of a kind and will help you to grasp the otherwise difficult to understand subject matter of spiritual enlightenment and living with True Freedom. The Introductory Visual eBook introduces you to the understanding I gained from 1. my professional involvement with  Family Constellation Work, the enormously powerful trans-generational ancestral healing method developed by Bert Hellinger; 2. the four-year Liberation Process I underwent that is traditionally called the spiritual awakening journey and 3. the understanding I gained from the spiritual enlightenment event that occurred in 2009 and the integration process I have undergone since then. As soon as you purchase the Introductory Visual eBook, you will gain access to it via your very own private Member Lounge portal on my website.


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